
Colleen Murray
6 days ago1 min read
Irish Genealogy Presentation
Irish genealogy presentation: Strategies for Successful Irish Research
Colleen Murray
Mar 20, 20241 min read
Introductory Genealogy Course
Are you newer to genealogy, and interested in taking an introductory course to help set you on the right path? If so, and if you're 50+...

Colleen Murray
Dec 8, 20233 min read
Beginner DNA Course for Genealogy
Have you taken a DNA test, but struggle to do anything with your results? Have you sat through other DNA webinars, but failed to apply...

Colleen Murray
Sep 14, 20231 min read
DNA presentation tonight
Title page of my presentation "How to Use DNA to Identify an Ancestor"

Colleen Murray
Apr 14, 20231 min read
Genealogy Classes
I’m busily preparing to teach the Introduction to Genealogy course offered through ELLA (Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association). This...