DNA & Forensic Genealogy
Updated: Sep 10, 2021

I've received my certificate for the "All-DNA Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum" that I completed in 2020 through the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). This was a valuable course that I blogged about in the fall.
I'm also on my third week of the course "Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy" that I am taking through SLIG's Academy for Professionals.
Forensic Genealogy is the umbrella term for genealogy work that may involve living people and have legal implications. It includes topics such as searching for missing heirs, unknown parentage cases, law enforcement's use of genetic genealogy, military repatriation cases, real estate and mineral rights cases and more.
Continuing education is so important to genealogy professionals, especially in the areas of DNA and forensic genealogy that change rapidly. The ability to attend SLIG virtually has been fantastic, providing me access to the top instructors in the field without the need to travel. #SLIGAcademy2021